The commonly used beneficiation processes of scheelite include froth flotation, gravity separation, and gravity separation–froth flotation combined process.
For finely disseminated scheelite ore, the froth flotation process is generally adopted. For coarse-grained scheelite ore, gravity separation can be adopted for pre-concentration.
Forui scheelite beneficiation project in Nigeria

For finely disseminated scheelite associated with various sulfides, the flotation process should be adopted. Generally, sulfide ore is floated first and then scheelite is floated.
Here we focus on the coarse-grained scheelite ore beneficiation process. We designed the process as crushing–screening– jigging concentration.
Coarse-grained scheelite sample from Nigerian customer

For Scheelite with coarse-grained distribution, using the froth flotation process is unreasonable.
Because scheelite is brittle and fragile, easy to be over crushed in the grinding process, resulting in ultra-fine material, which leads to the decline of the recovery rate. Therefore, a single froth flotation process shouldn’t be adopted for coarse-grained scheelite.
In gravity separation, scheelite crystals can be recovered by crushing, screening, and jigging without grinding. Less powder is produced in the crushing process, so the recovery rate will not decrease. That is to say, for coarse-grained scheelite, the beneficiation index of gravity separation is higher than that of froth flotation, and the equipment investment and operation cost of gravity separation is far lower than that of flotation.
the scheelite mineral size of this sample reaches 30mm

The specific gravity of scheelite is 6.1-6.2, and the specific gravity of quartz, clay, and other impurities associated with Scheelite is generally not higher than 2.6. The specific gravity difference between gangue and scheelite crystal is very obvious, therefore, it is very easy to separate scheelite and gangue by gravity separation.

This is our scheelite beneficiation project in Nigeria. The scheelite has coarse disseminated particle size, a high degree of monomer dissociation, and obvious mineral crystallization. The scheelite grade is 7-30%, and very easy to be smashed.

This process breaks the scheelite flotation process that has been used in the past, adopts the gravity separation method for pre-concentration, recovers scheelite mineral particles in the coarse state, with high beneficiation recovery rate and efficiency, it has been unanimously recognized by customers.

We supply a full set of scheelite beneficiation plant, we have also set up an experimental platform for small scale mineral processing for customers, if you want more information about ore beneficiation plant, don’t hesitate to contact us.