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Grinding Efficiency

Ball Mill in Nigeria
Ball Mill in Nigeria

Grinding efficiency refers to the amount of ore processed for every 1kW.h of electricity consumed. It has the following representation methods:

  1. The raw ore (tons) processed for every 1kW.h of electricity consumed, namely: t/kW.h.
  2. Grinding products (tons) of a specified level (often less than 200 mesh) are obtained every time 1kW.h of electric energy is consumed.
  3. Calculate by surface area * t/kW.h.

The productivity per unit power consumption can more truly reflect the working conditions of the grinding machine. Therefore, when designing a concentrator, the productivity per unit power consumption is often used to compare, calculate, and select grinding equipment.

Grinding Machine Technical Efficiency

The technical efficiency of the ore mill refers to the ratio between the content (%) of the qualified particle size in the product obtained after grinding and the content (%) of the original ore that is greater than the qualified particle size.

The calculation formula 1 is as follows:


Eefficiency:Efficiency of grinding technology, %.
rThe yield of the ore discharging from the grinding machine is less than the specified maximum particle size level, %.
r1:The yield of the ore that is less than the specified maximum particle size level, %.
r2:The yield of the crushed part in the ore, %.
r3:The yield of the crushed part in the discharge, %.
(100-r1)The yield of the ore that is larger than the qualified particle size, %.
(r-r1)The yield rate of the maximum particle size produced during the grinding process, in %.
(r3-r2)(1-(r1-r2)/(100-r2))The yield of the newly formed over-crushed part in the grinding process, %.

In the beneficiation process, over-crushing of the grinding will reduce the beneficiation index. Therefore, to evaluate the quality of the grinding machine, we must refer to these factors: productivity, energy consumption, over-crushing rate, etc.

When the ore grinder does not have grinding action, r=r1, r3=r2, and Eefficiency=0 from formula 1.
When all the ore has been crushed, r=100%, r3=100%, and Eefficiency=0.
When 100% of the grinding products reach the specified size and there is no over-crushing phenomenon, that is, r3=r2, the Eefficiency is 100%.

Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory is a high-quality enterprise specializing in the production of beneficiation equipment. Over the years, it has produced gravity beneficiation, magnetic separation, flotation, and other beneficiation equipment, and has accumulated a lot of practical experience. Forui Machinery is involved in lead-zinc ore, gold ore, fluorite, barite, pyrite, hematite, limonite, magnetite, manganese ore, antimony ore, tungsten ore, tin ore, celestite, etc. In the field of beneficiation of a variety of minerals, fruitful results have been achieved.

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